The Evil Eye – Ongoing (in English, R18) On that day, Ava only planned to buy glasses, not to link herself to the underworld. Bad luck, that’s what happened! In exchange for being able to become beautiful at will, she has to cope with Kevin, the least credible demon ever. Story by Murazaki Zach and CASS |
Roommate Soulmate – Completed (in English, R18) Veronica wants to get rid of her boyfriend, who has become too clingy, according to her. She lies to him and pretends that she’s dating her roommate, Lola. The two girls make a deal : Lola acts as if there were dating and she’s exempted from paying her rent for a few months. But little by little, Veronica realises that her lie was changing into the mere truth! This comic has been prepublished on Patreon between 2020 and 2022 and on Tapas.io between 2020 and 2023. |
Roommate Soulmate – En cours (en Français, +18) Veronica, voulant se débarrasser de son petit copain qu’elle trouve trop collant, lui ment et prétend sortir avec sa colocataire, Lola. Elle propose un marché à cette dernière, qui accepte de jouer la comédie contre quelques mois de loyers gratuits. Mais Veronica réalise petit à petit que son mensonge est en train de devenir réalité ! |
Invasion – Ongoing (in English) “It was an October morning like all the others, my general, I remember it as if it was yesterday. They were everywhere, they were thousands, it was… …AN INVASION. It made our blood boil. You know, this is a matter of survival, a man facing its enemy. We took our flyswatters and we threw ourselves into the battle, body and soul. Three against one million. Here is our story.” |
L’invasion – En cours (en Français) « C’était un matin d’octobre comme les autres, mon général, je m’en souviens comme si c’était hier. Il y en avait partout, elles étaient des milliers. C’était… … UNE INVASION. Notre sang n’a fait qu’un tour ! Vous savez, c’est une histoire de survie, c’est l’homme face à l’ennemi. On a pris nos tapettes et on s’est lancé dans la bataille à corps perdu. Trois contre un million. Voici notre histoire. » |